blogging has gotten into my blood and I blog day and night. I have tried a few but in my mind, Blogger is the best!!

Friday, June 09, 2006

How do I promote my blog

This is probably the most common problem encountered by any would-be publisher in the net. I like the sound of that: publisher.I have seen it a few times and I thought maybe they meant someone else but hey, there is only me here so I guess they must mean me. So I am a publisher now? I started out just wanting to be a writer and here I am being addressed as publisher. This is way cool. Thinking about it, I do believe it is accurate to call me a publisher since putting your words, thoughts, ideas on to some medium, in this case the Internet, really does make one a publisher. Well, as a publisher one has the added chore of promoting or advertising. This is a big word: Blog Promotion or Blog Advertising. How does one go about it? The obvious choices are to do it by yourself and try to reach your circle of friends. This might be the logical choice but is it an intelligent choice? Will it really promote my blog? The friends that I know don't even surf the net regularly so that is a dead-end option right there.

There is no magic bullet, I decided and was all set to give up my dreams of having my words published but wait, maybe there is a magic bulletr and I just don't know about it. The next step is to further my education on this business of Internet Publishing and learn the basics, the nitty-gtitty of the thing. It is slow going. There are so many autorities and so many ideas I do not know which one is true and which one is hype. For one thing I have to start learning the terms, expand my vocabulary and find new meanings to old terms or words that seem to take on a whole new meaning the way they are used in the Internet.

I keep stumbling acros the term SEO. Search Engine Optimization. This is a big word and one that I confess I hardly know anything about. This is great! Something new to bite on.

Cool blogs basking in the Blog Park. Visit these pages:


Blogger admin said...

please visited to my blog's, we has some artickel search engine optimization

10:53 PM

Blogger underdog said...

thanks for the suggestion, cass2u

6:22 PM

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11:38 AM

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11:44 PM


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