blogging has gotten into my blood and I blog day and night. I have tried a few but in my mind, Blogger is the best!!

Thursday, July 27, 2006

A voice above the rest: Shawn Pringle

Everyone who has ever made a website and published it on the Internet knows how lonely the World Wide Web can be. The realization that the website which has been lovingly crafted now floats like a teeny-tiny bubble in the big ocean; try as it might it could not get past the waves that smother it and plunge it right into the depths of oblivion. Sudden panic brings the would-be webmaster into the arms of "Internet Gurus" who seem to occupy every corner of the Internet.

Every Internet Guru trumpets his or her own brand of website promotion secrets. Just reading what is available on the subject is enough to give one the absolute fear of web promotion. There are just too many references out there. There are just too many Gurus with countles eBooks and eZines. And the tools that they hawk all sport the same lines and the same sharp edges. How is one to determine which one is a head above the rest? When I started out in this crazy venture, I had no idea what turbulence I was speeding into. Once you get into the maelstrom of information and ideas, there is no turning back.

What I did was to submit my name and email address to every Internet Guru I could find and I woke up each day to find my inbox chock full of gems of Internet Wisdom. I wanted to learn this stuff called Website Promotion or Search Engine Optimisation so I plunged right into the fray with wild enthusiasm. I read each and every email that were sent to me by obliging folk who sincerely wanted my attention. I gave all my undivided attention and soon enough I began to discern voices which spoke in more melliferous tones which suggested wisdom above the rest.

I am not denigrating of putting down the capabilities of the many who spoke with authority. I know that they are all brilliant minds who have conquered the peaks of their Himalayan Goals and stand above the rest as real Gurus of the Internet. One name stood out above many not because he shouted the loudest. Far from it, he spoke in simple terms and best of all, he offered tools to be tried and tested. His name is Shawn Pringle and his name became synonymous with soft sell where most everyone in the net screamed at the top of their lungs to be noticed. I am proud to introduce him to those who like me, are floundering in the waves hoping for a lifesaver to bring method into the madness that the Internet can be. Let Shawn Pringle talk to you as he did to me. His advice is solid wisdom and the tools he shares with you are truly amazing gems one cannot do without if one is to catch the wave of Internet Success through Website Promotion.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Patience is a great virtue

Ecclesiastes tells us that "to everythng there is a season". Chinese taoists speak of the "will of heaven" and being in harmony with it. Without becoming embroiled in a religious discussion, I take this to mean that everything in this expressed universe has its own natural order. Very often we become impatient with Nature and want to have things the way we want them and to have them yesterday. John Lennon spoke of "Instant Karma" as a way of saying that this world is gripped in the vicious jaws of Instant Gratification. Many have forgotten patience as a virtue.

Taking the time to smell the flowers gives one a calmer sense of oneself. One sees greater harmony in nature and how one relates to this great Divine Invention. This also holds true to the internet. Very often one hears of "white hat" and "black hat". Very quickly one associates the black hat to a kind of dirty tricks collection and white hat to denote normal techniques that conform to certain rules. As one might suspect, black hat techniques promise quick results, instant karma or instant gratification if you will, but one might also suspect that there might be undesirable side effects.

Having been a full-time netizen for about two months now, I have come across terms like being banned by the search engines or of being de-listed or de-indexed and it is a fate worse than death for Internet Marketers. I did not realize at first that these activities were directly related to techniques that exploit or take advantage of algorithms of search engines and therefore, tend to give unfair advantage to those who know and practice these techniques. The downside to using black hat tricks is that they force changes in the algorithm of search engines so their day in the sun would tend to be short-lived. The fact that they teach these techniques would suggest to me that the efficacy of these techniques are somehow not as undiluted as before especially with so many copying the same tricks.

The reason why I write about this is because today I was greeted with a little surprise. My sites have suddenly risen from a Pagerank of 0/10 to 2/10 which led me to think that patience after all is rewarded. Of course, I am not saying that with stagnant content patience will still be rewarded on the same scale as a site with fresh, relevant content. This rise in Pagerank has reinforced my enthusiasm to keep on updating my content. I must admit that I had flirted with the idea of giving up.
For mental health, try meditation.