blogging has gotten into my blood and I blog day and night. I have tried a few but in my mind, Blogger is the best!!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

A little bit

Arginine | BCAAs | Carnitine | GABA | Glutamine | L-Carnitine | L-Glutamine | L-Lysine | L-Theanine | L-Tyrosine | I'm bored, what should I do do today? I could look for ways to shift my
habits, or perhaps even change the world a little bit, being overly idle as I am. That would be nice or nothing at all. There are a number of facets not right about my life and so with this earth that I call home; it could use some changing too. Could I want uniformity? That might be insipid. Would the world be better off not having so many bankers? Or do I wish to be a one myself and and just enjoy life?
Why would I wish to change the world? What possible reason could I have to change the world? Is it getting too dull? If anybody changed the world, would the alteration be a better one? Or, a retrogression? Stalin changed the world. Was it a good change? Ferdinand Magellan changed the world. Is it better off because of his life? I guess I too aspire to improve the world somewhat. The way to do it might be to transform ourselves from the inside. Lysine | NAC | SAM-e | Trrosine | Ephedra Free Thermogenics | Muscle Support Formulas | Prohormones | Creatine Formulas | Effervescent Creatine | Liquid Creatine |

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